Friday, October 5, 2012

New Features of Nintendo Wii 2

Nintendo Wii is ready to show off the latest generation in the event the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) 2011. Well, about what changes will be embedded in the console?

This is expected because the Wii has not been doing a refresher on the game system. Meanwhile, Microsoft has introduced the Kinect and Sony with the PlayStation Move is quite loved.

Slowly but surely eroded by turnover Wii PlayStation 3 (PS3) and Xbox 360. By the end of March 2011 Xbox 360 recorded sales of 433 thousand units in the U.S., followed by 240 units of the PS3, the Wii and the youngest is filled with 290 units.

Do not want to remain silent, Nintendo was reportedly ready to upgrade to the Wii game system specifications and more attractive. As predicted 4 new features which we quoted from Tomsguide.

=. HD Support
The new console is rumored to be able to play high-resolution games like the pesainganya Xbox 360 or PS3. It is increasingly reinforced by new GPU in use, ie Ati RV700.

=. New controller
The latest generation Wii is believed to have a new controller with a screen measuring 6 inches in it. Game systems still use a motion sensor like the previous, except that the level of responsiveness of the better claim, even though Move.

=. Integration with mobile content
Game console with mobile content can Integrate believed to have added value. Currently, several vendors are already doing it, with content such as Microsoft Xbox Live on Windows Phone 7, or Sony, which has begun to 'close' to Android.

=. Third-party content
At this time it is expected Nintento console can embrace a variety of third-party vendors. With an increasingly diverse content expected the game lovers 'heavyweight' can also be satisfied.

Meanwhile, the iPhone 5 so 'Digital Wallet'

Near Field Communication (NFC) is a technology that might possibly adopted many mobile phone vendors future. IPhone 5 reportedly not equipped with NFC.

Quoted know us from your mobile, according to Ming-Chi Kuo of one security analyst from Concord, iPhone 5 may not yet be using NFC. Because some of the design and innards new iPhone is still the same as the iPhone 4, except for the processor and camera sensors.

With NFC technology, the future users can use their phones as a 'digital wallet'. How users can simply hold the phone to the sensor (like the RFID card in the machine absent). More or less functions as the card belongs Flazz BCA as a means of payment.

If so, then the iPhone 5 is still losing from Nokia that is clearly going to use NFC phones on a range of Windows Phone 7 later. Until Apple gives an official statement, it is still a rumor.

Currently some phones that support NFC technology are: Google Nexus S, Samsung Galaxy S II, Samsung Wave 578, and Nokia C7-00.

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