Thursday, December 13, 2012

Is Ubuntu Makers 'Steal' User Data?

Is Ubuntu Makers 'Steal' User Data? - President of the Free Software Foundation, Richard Stallman, Canonica accused the makers have installed Ubuntu kote scouts in their operating systems.

Got an allegation of a figure such as Stallman, the Canonica did not stay silent. They denied any responses expressed by the fat-bodied men.

Through the writing was uploaded on his personal blog, Stallman recalled how Canonica benefited from Ubuntu users who shop at Amazon, by installing surveillance applications.

Shopping Lens which is one of the search feature on the Dash is going to display some content that is in the Amazon, this feature can be disabled even true if the user does not want it. But according to Stallman was not enough.

"The data we collect anonymous data only, and we collected data only to provide a better search experience for users of Ubuntu," said Cristian Parrino of Canonica.

Besides Parrino also confirmed that Canonica will not eliminate features that  Lens Shopping Stallam it. Instead it will continue to develop the site by displaying a search on YouTube,, and other Ubuntu 13:04.

"Ubuntu is to allow users to turn off the feature, but the feature is active by default and CONICA sure that many users will leave," Stallman criticism, as we quoted from ArsTechnica, Thursday (12/13/2012).

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