Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Acer: Prepare 10 Smartphone & Tablet in 2012

In 2012 this will become more frequent Acer smartphones and tablet PCs to market them in the country.

In previous years, the Taiwanese vendor is not too aggressively market the Android-based products in Indonesia, there are only a few series of smartphones and tablet Iconia who claimed success in the market.

"This product (Iconia A51x-ed) will be launched in the near future," Richard Susilo brief, Product Manager Device Touch Acer Peripherals and Indonesia.

But in the first quarter of 2012 Acer will begin to exert 'force' Android tablet PC that starts with a 10 inch Iconia they call Iconia A51x

"For Windows Phone still there, but we see the first marketnya conditions. While we will focus on developing Android," added Richard.

Besides Iconia A51x, Acer is also claimed to be preparing another tablet of smaller size which is 7 inch. In terms of their smartphone will refresh Liquid product line that uses the latest Android and Windows mobile phone is still a secret identity.

Richard also was reluctant to say what type of phone and tablet to be launched in 2012, he confirmed that Acer is preparing at least 5 products.

"Approximately 5-10 for this year's product, it includes smartphones and tablets. But the numbers could change, because usually the third or fourth quarter there is the addition of units," tanbahnya.

Meanwhile, Android & Windows Sail Shining ..

One selling point of a smartphone is in the field of display technology. Yes, with a brilliant display screen, a smartphone will be able to attract greater interest.

Nan with clear screen, users are spoiled when playing games, watching movies or looking at pictures because the colors appear more vivid. In the sun, crystal clear screen also may be more easily seen.

Lumia 900 occupies the highest caste among the ranks of the already launched Windows Phone Nokia. Not surprisingly, the sector had also display the maximum handling. Lumia screen size of 900 is 4.3 inch AMOLED technology and ClearBack wear, making the colors look stunning.

LG Spectrum circulated in the United States with Verizon service. 4.5-inch screen and has a high definition, 1.280x720 pixel resolution. High resolution makes it very bright colors. This handset is also able to record 1080p HD video recording in which the results can certainly look good on screen.

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