Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Use Windows Phone RIM Offered on BlackBerry

Canada - Research In Motion (RIM) was constantly exposed to the issue Relating to the condition of the company. Following news of layoffs and profits continue to slide, the latest information circulating, RIM Offered to bury Microsoft operating system (OS) Windows Phone on BlackBerry.

Citing three sources of information are well aware of this, Reuters, Monday (07/02/2012) launch the report mentions the possibility of leaving the RIM BlackBerry OS 10 and switch to Windows Phone 8.

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer reportedly is eager to approach the Canadian company. If true, Microsoft apparently Hopes to Forge a Partnership That just as it did with Nokia.

Both RIM and Microsoft are willing to Provide comments related to the report. But last Thursday, the CEO Thorsten Heins still show optimism about the future of BlackBerry 10.

Reuters also reported That RIM is considering selling its network to private equity firms or technology companies. Thus Spake, it will the make its operational focus on running a business smartphone and provider of telecommunications providers more successful.

"Our carrier partners reaction to the Blackberry platform is very positive and 10 They are not looking forward to the smartphone Blackberry 10 in the first quarter of 2013," he added.

"I firmly believe, the first smartphone to use the Blackberry 10 Will Provide a breakthrough in smartphone experience," he said.

RIM to offer to switch to another OS has also been implied from the Google design division boss Matias Duarte statement. He Mentioned, if there is a chance he will be very pleased to collaborate RIM makes qwerty smartphone based on Android.

Meanwhile, the boss of Nokia event hailed at the time of the Company deteriorating ..

Although Nokia is rumored to condition further decline, the CEO Stephen Elop menakhodai judged to have made a large contribution from the Finnish company.

After Nokia Announced the re-cuts the number of employees and profits continued to weaken Earlier this month, Nokia Chairman Risto Siilasmaa, Elop defended. He said Elop is full of personal belief for leading Nokia.

"Thanks to Stephen Elop and his team. We Could have a new phone with the new operating system is faster to Appear on the market than ever before," said Siilasmaa kinerj aHelsingin Sanomat praised. Elop, as quoted by the media in Finland, Helsingin Sanomat, Saturday (30/06/2012).

Nokia's business continued to weaken in their transition smartphone platform to Windows Phone today. Nokia's stock price fell more than 70% since the adoption of They Announced Windows Phone in February 2011.

Under Elop met to regroup since 2010, Nokia also has a lot to Reduced the number of employees. Recorded more than 40 thousand employees were laid off should (Termination of Employment). Earlier in February, Nokia also Announced job cuts of 4000 employees.

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