Friday, November 2, 2012

Find Game Supplies in Armaggeddon

Various computing devices marketed in Indocomtech, from which costs 500 thousands to tens of million dollars. Well, among the hundreds of consumer products, tucked into a special brand that offers a range of products for the gaming enthusiast.

When we visited, the entire line of gaming mouse Craft Alien series has been using laser technology, and can also be programmed for up to 11 configurations are stored in the internal memory diusungnya. Another feature that is quite interesting is the load on this gaming mouse that can be customized up to 9 weight levels.

By carrying the name Armaggeddon, a manufacturer of a variety of device types to support comfort in playing the game. Starting from Alien Craft glow gaming mouse, gaming keyboard, casing, and more.

This gaming keyboard has bigger keys of size and striking colors used on the button while playing the game so as to minimize the risk of one push. Besides gaming keyboard can also store up to 3 button configuration profiles. What makes it interesting is the application of light backlit gaming keyboard that makes it more visible gahar.

Gaming devices shall be used other than gaming mouse is definitely a gaming keyboard. Represented by Nighthawx series, made Armaggeddon gaming keyboard offers a better experience in game play when compared to using a regular keyboard.

In addition to these products, Armageddon also offers other gaming peripherals, among others, headphones, external audio card, powersupply with 1000watt pure power up, and the liquid cooling system for the processor.

As a complementary range of products for gamers, Armaggeddon also offers gaming casing for gamers. Armaggeddon offers two series, namely the AK series and T series Both series gaming chassis has been applied features screwless alias without screws so that gamers do not need to use any tools in use.

Armaggeddon is also offering a special glove to play the game and backpack products that will help gamers bring his personal needs.

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