Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Samsung Raise Prices processor components for Apple

Samsung components for Apple - Apple still relies on rivals, Samsung, for business supplies critical components. Reportedly, Samsung is utilizing that position by raising the price of parts purchased Apple significantly.

"Samsung Electronics is asking Apple to accept significant price increases for processors. Apple initially did not agree, but for lack of an alternative, they accepted it," said the source.

According to media reports, citing sources related MarketWatch, Samsung forcing Apple receives 20% price increase for mobile processor components. Apple did not have much choice accept the increase.

Apple signed a contract until 2014 with Samsung to supply the processor. But apparently, Apple will start looking for other alternatives as its relationship with Samsung is getting worse.

Samsung is a major supplier of Apple's processor components. Our Quoted from IBTimes, Tuesday (11/13/2012), Samsung supplies more than 130 million processor for the iPhone and the iPad last year.

Apple reportedly began glancing at Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TMSC) as a supplier of processor than Samsung. But it seems the fastest of their cooperation can only be done by the end of 2013.

It is not clear what the reason for Samsung to raise prices high enough. Perhaps as a form of revenge after their defeat in a U.S. court from Apple, which makes them fined USD 1 billion.

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