Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Employees Symbian passed to Accenture

Effect of termination (Termination of Employment) Nokia employees eventually will have a direct impact for developers outsource Symbian. They will be passed to another company called Accenture.

Accenture will take over the activities of Nokia's Symbian software development in the future. While Nokia itself will focus on Microsoft as a new partner to carry the Windows Phone 7 as the primary OS.

As we quoted from Reuters, about 3000 employees working outsource about 12 percent of the project units Nokia will move to the company that is now partnered with Nokia it.

This decision reportedly will save expenditure Nokia up to $ 1.46 billion, to be able to survive in the competitive smartphone market.

"This decision seems to keep the focus of Nokia and Windows Phone. Accordingly, this will help eliminate any doubt about where Nokia will 'drive'," said analyst and research firm Gartner, Carolina Milanesi.

Meanwhile, Nokia layoff 7000 employees,.

Nokia will conduct layoffs (Termination of Employment) of 7,000 employees and divert Symbian development. This decision reportedly will save expenditure Nokia up to $ 1.46 billion, to be able to survive in the competitive smartphone market.

At the same time, the Finnish mobile phone vendor also detailed business plans cell phone and have decided to start using Microsoft software instead of its own Symbian platform.

Reported by Reuters and quoted us, Nokia said that about 4,000 employees laid off are mostly located in Finland, Denmark and the UK. Meanwhile, another 3,000 employees will be transferred to the company's outsourcing and consulting group Accenture, which will take over Nokia's Symbian software products.

Previously, the national television station in Finland said, most likely Nokia phones based on Windows Phone 7 immediately available to consumers this year.

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