Friday, October 12, 2012

RIM: BlackBerry 10 Able to Defeat Android

Research In Motion (RIM) said they were optimistic new OS platform, BlackBerry 10, will not compete with the Android OS, Apple iOS, Windows 8, as well as other smartphone OS.

Hastings asserted, data taken from the GfK research institute, BlackBerry market share in ina still better than many manufacturers adopted Android phones.

"BB10 will be very competitive, and our market share will remain the largest market for smartphones in ina," said Hastings Singh, RIM's Managing Director South Asia, at the Ritz Carlton Pacific Place, jkt, Thursday (11/10/2012).

Frank Boulben, Chief Marketing Officer of RIM also confirmed no significant difference between RIM's BlackBerry phones and Android presented at many vendors.

"Market share we would have said GfK was 54.1%, still dominant in the smartphone market. If there is other research that says BlackBerry lost to Android, we would prefer to listen GfK said that we were better," he said.

"For connectivity, the best BB10. BB10 is a mobile computing platform. You will be surprised later.'s Been two years we prepare. BB10 social will be the best phone on the market," said Boulben.

"Android is fragmented ecosystem, must be modified itself. While BB10 unnecessary rewrite again. Definitely be different from Android. OS we are also multifunctional and multitasking," he said.

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