Thursday, October 4, 2012

Nokia Headquarters Threatened Sale

Helsinki - Nokia continues to tighten their belts as a declining business performance. One of those options is to sell its head office located in their home country, Finland.

"We are evaluating different options for non-core divisions, such as real estate holdings and that includes the head office," said Maija Taimi, we have Nokia spokesman quoted by Reuters on Wednesday (10/03/2012).

The headquarters was established in the Espoo. Apparently, Nokia headquarters categorize as non-core assets, so consider sales.

Nokia are relying on Windows Phone was staggered against Android and iPhone vendor. They have done a number of cost savings, including the layoff of thousands of employees.

Nokia office is large enough and the design was nice. According to estimates, the value of sales could reach 200 to 300 million euros.

Meanwhile, Nokia Still Convince Windows Phone,.

Nokia still continues to struggle with operating system Windows Phone. CEO Stephen Elop is optimistic about the fate of Nokia despite admitting they could be better. Especially in the early introductions Lumia handset.

But Elop claimed that the Lumia is a solid smartphone products. He believes Nokia's business performance will be improved on the Windows Phone.

"For the first launch of the Lumia, I would prefer it if we do it better," Elop said that we have quoted from AllThingsD, Thursday (04/10/2012).

Regarding the relationship with Microsoft, Elop admits their partnership is quite complex. But they were still able to work well together.

"We must be able to stand up and say this (Windows Phone-ed) better and also fundamentally different," said a former senior Microsoft.

"There is a lot of complexity in the partnership, but in each case the fundamental commitment that we made to each other, in terms of our commitment to Windows Phone ... we've done that," he said.

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