Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Nokia Boss: Windows Phone Not Divided Like Android

Nokia firmly relying on the Windows Phone operating system against heavy competitors, Android and iOS on the iPhone. Nokia CEO, Stephen Elop believes the strategy is right. For Windows Phone is claimed to have many advantages.

"While there are some aspects of open APIs and SDK (Windows Phone-red), and you can make all the applications on it, we are with Microsoft control what happens," Elop said in an interview with Wired and quoted us Friday (5/10 / 2012).

For example, Windows Phone will not fragmented like Android and not overly tight controls like Apple. Android called a split because of the handset, software customization and upgrades that sometimes can not be done.

"There is a bit of control but there is little flexibility with a wide range of hardware is involved," said the bespectacled man was.

"If you think about the three ecosystems, the most tightly controlled Apple and Android become very fragmented broke and heading in the direction that is different, what we do at Microsoft is in the middle," said Elop.

"Starting at a cheaper price is not a good approach. You have to lead with how the product is better or different or allow you to do something you could not do before," he said.

Talking about the latest product Nokia, Lumia 920 and 820, Elop will not be admitted into a price war. They put forward the different features and functional.

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