Monday, October 15, 2012

The capacity 1 Terabyte Disk Chips

Digital storage technology is advancing. In the past, a single chip can only load one disc VCD movies measuring no more than 1 GB. Now, scientists are trying to do the extraordinary leap to digital storage.

Quoted by us from Techpowerup, Tuesday (10/16/2012), the researchers have high ambitions came from Case Western Reserve University, USA.

How could I not? They are trying to boost the capacity of a single disk drive that can store between 1-2 terabyte capacity.

"The puck disk storage is cheaper than can also be accessed more quickly. You just find the desired data in the computer and he (the data-ed.) Will appear in a few seconds. Meanwhile tape models take a few minutes to search for specific data," said Kenneth Singer, a professor of physics and founder of Folio Photonics, who participated in this study.

This technology is expected to eventually replace tape-backup technology that is currently widely used by companies to store their digital data.

To fill these discs is not as simple as the disk in general, but are reliable is its ability to store huge amounts of data and durability while keeping the data in it in a long time.

This technology was first developed at the Center for Layered polymeric Systems. Singer and colleagues - Valle - collaborate with their colleagues, Professor Eric Baer, creating optical films with 64 layers of data.

Singer hopes to show a prototype disk and playernya within a year from now.

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